
Amid influence of Starlink, Thales buys Israeli company Get SAT – Breaking Defense

“Really now what the [US Defense Department] wants is terminals that can do any orbit, any network, any band, on the move.” A response by Thales …

Self-driving cars face long road amid limited bits of automation – Gulf Times

… Darpa challenge. Ten years later, the auto industry was buzzing with predictions that self-driving cars would be all over the roads by now. That …

High-speed vertical lift X-plane hits milestone – Military Embedded Systems

Aurora’s concept is designed to meet DARPA’s program objectives, including achieving a 450-knot cruise speed and offering multiple take-off and …

CYBERCOM, DARPA pen agreement to speed up advanced cyberwarfare research

The move centers DARPA — the research giant focused on advanced technology for U.S. military capabilities — as the frontrunner entity that provides …

Aurora moves into next design phase for DARPA vertical takeoff X-plane – Defense News

Bell Textron, Northrop Grumman and Piasecki Aircraft Corp. have also worked on ideas for DARPA’s vertical lift SPRINT aircraft.

Can a record-breaking undersea drone cut maintenance costs? – Interesting Engineering

Carnegie Mellon’s team at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge playIcon. Innovation. Carnegie Mellon’s team at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge.

3YOURMIND awarded U.S. Army contract to identify advanced manufacturing applications …

… (DoD) supply chains. As part of the initial effort, 3YOURMIND will analyse up to 10,000 parts selected by GVSC and evaluate them based on technical …

AEDC awards $100K grant to Bentonville logistics startup – Talk Business & Politics

FR8relay has received multiple SBIR grants from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy and the USDA. Their patented relay …

Army Cyber Command taking key lessons on critical infrastructure defense at National …

In fact, there was a simulated actor within the exercise to replicate, as close as possible, Volt Typhoon. At its initial instantiation, U.S. Cyber …

US federal budget crosses grim milestone as interest payments overtake defense spending

The United States has long had the world’s biggest defense budget, with spending this year set to approach $900 billion.