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The Greece-US relationship beyond defense |

The Greece-US relationship beyond defense … Given how far the Greek-American relationship has come in the past decade in terms of maturity, …

U.S. Committed to Stand With Ukraine ‘for as Long as it Takes’ – Department of Defense

The president and the secretary of defense have committed to long-term, sustained support for Ukraine’s fight against Russia, which invaded …

DARPA – Photon-Efficient Nanoscale Optical Metrology (PhENOM) – DARPA-PA-23-03-09

DARPA is seeking submissions of innovative basic or applied research concepts in the technical domain of loss-resilient generation, detection and …

To rebuild America’s arsenal, rehabilitate the National Defense Stockpile—and prioritize …

To arm American allies and partners—and ensure U.S. armed forces can deter and fight a major theater war—the United States must rehabilitate the …

United States, Canada and Mexico Hold the 5th North American Defense Ministerial to …

Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh provided the following readout: On February 22, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III …

Following reforms, Navy seeing cyber mission force readiness improvements | DefenseScoop

… U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. 10th Fleet (FCC/C10F). Since its … The Department of Defense has authorized an additional 14 teams over …

The US-UK Special Relationship: Time for a Reset, Not an End

… US defense industry, and, thanks to US-UK intelligence sharing agreements, have access to US technical intelligence. Winston Churchill once …

Defense Department News

The Department of Defense provides the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation’s security.

DOD Finalizes Rule Concerning Domestic Content Preference | Blank Rome LLP – JDSupra

Defense contractors should be aware of the specific changes and ensure their sourcing and supply chain systems incorporate the updated requirements.

Announcing 2024 Assured Logistics Summit –

… supply chains and logistics operations in support of … · Accelerating DoD Supply Chain Resiliency to Sustain Military Operations Around the World · …