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PowerLight Technologies to Provide Power Beaming Expertise, Solutions and … – The Joplin Globe

… DARPA Lunar Architecture (LunA-10) initiative. DARPA had previously selected 14 companies, including Blue Origin, to design new integrated system …

Defense Department Utilizes Science and Technology to Counter China’s Advancements in …

… supply chain. DOD Harnesses Science, Technology to Counter Adversaries. Heidi Shyu, undersecretary of defense for research and engineering …

DOD Harnesses Science, Technology to Counter Adversaries –

The Office of Strategic Capital will help secure the department’s supply chain and facilitate onshore production of cutting-edge technologies, …

Colmena66’s Acércate al Grant is back | Business |

… SBIR and STTR proposal development process. The Trust is “committed to supporting more entrepreneurs and researchers in Puerto Rico to obtain SBIR …

US, British Defense Chiefs Discuss Middle East Threats – Barron’s

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met with his British counterpart Grant Shapps at the Pentagon Wednesday for talks on security threats in the …

Cyberattacks on Guam could sap US forces in Indo-Pacific, Nakasone says – C4ISRNet

The Pentagon’s 2023 cyber strategy warned China is prepared to unleash cyberattacks on critical infrastructure and defense networks, …

Defense Department lists dozens of Chinese military companies operating in U.S. –

China has 46 military companies plus subsidiaries operating within the United States while disguised as civilian entities, the U.S. Department of …

Holistic examination of the next iteration of US Cyber Command underway – DefenseScoop

For example, the cyber mission force — the teams each service provides to Cybercom to conduct offensive and defensive operations — was designed around …

Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III’s Meeting With United Kingdom Secretary …

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III met with U.K. Secretary of State for Defense Grant Shapps to discuss the escalating attacks by …

Pentagon plans AI-based program to estimate prices for critical minerals | Kitco News

… (DARPA) division, which was formed in response to the Soviet Union’s 1957 launch of the Sputnik 1 satellite and helped develop the Internet and the …