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US defense minnows will storm the barricades – XM

Defense agencies obligated some $415 billion to contractors that year. Since Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded in early 2022, the U.S. has …

Why the Defense Department attended COP28

Climate change is already increasing demands on U.S., allied, and partner forces to support civilian agency disaster response, both at home and abroad …

America’s Premier Farmers and Ranchers to Gather at 2024 Top Producer Summit in Kansas City

UTIA Researchers Receive $12 Million DARPA Contract to Bioengineer Plants to Reduce Soil Contamination12-18. State Grains. Arkansas Daily Grain …

Local View / Artificial intelligence: useful tool or threat to humanity? – Duluth News Tribune

DARPA describes the third AI wave as more than just tools that function within a human set of rules or generalize from a human-created data set. It …

DOD cyber leaders discuss post-quantum encryption – DefenseScoop

… DARPA Program Manager Perri Adams. The DefenseScoop Podcast. How DARPA is looking to AI to fend off cyber vulnerabilities through a challenge …

NIST Awards $3 Million to Small Businesses to Advance Semiconductor Manufacturing …

… (SBIR) Program. The funding will go to research and development and commercialization projects to support a variety of technology-based programs …

ZenaDrone, Inc. Executes US Air Force Contract Phase 1 SBIR Award for Dual-Purpose Technology

… SBIR award contract that focused on ZenaDrone’s flagship drone, the ZenaDrone 1000 technology, to address the most pressing challenges in the …

Active Defender receives Air Force SBIR Grant | BizFayetteville

Active Defender announced on Monday, Dec. 18 that it has been selected by AFWERX for a SBIR Phase 1 contract in the amount of $74,836 focused on …

SBIR/STTR Success Rates

Institute, R41 (STTR Ph I), R42 (STTR Ph II), R43 (SBIR Ph I), R44 (SBIR Ph II). NCATS, 18.2%, 25.0%, 30.8%, 37.9%.

Expanding Our Mission: Alerje Tackles Opioid Crisis in Military and Veteran … – Yahoo Finance

DETROIT, December 19, 2023–Alerje, Inc. announces it has been selected by AFWERX for a SBIR Phase I focused on focusing on a Rapid Naloxone …