The 18-month SBIR Phase II contract will provide funds to support development of next generation, 50-kilowattclass solar array wings.
Sen. Menendez also asked Secretary O’Brien to confirm that this conflict has catalyzed the U.S. defense industrial base enabling it to set up …
… U.S. Defense Department. The mission, projected for early 2025, is funded by DoD’s Defense Innovation Unit. DIU, based in Silicon Valley, works …
A sprawling, multi-island exercise hones troops’ ability to fight in the jungle, cross “wet gaps,” and operate with multiple partner nations.
American troops were hit four times by Iranian-backed groups in the Middle East after a U.S. strike Wednesday on an Iranian facility in Syria.
Over the last three weeks, Iran-backed militia groups have attacked U.S. bases and facilities in Iraq and Syria 41 times.,
A Breath of Fresh Air Is Key for Cell-Based Therapies Northwestern University-led research team received a DARPA contract worth up to $33 million …
Researchers at Northwestern University have developed a device, funded by DARPA, that produces oxygen to keep cells alive within an implantable “ …
Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., said additional funding of DARPA and NSF is “critical” to creating advanced and effective deepfake detection tools.
“DARPA’s work spans the spectrum from basic research to applied research to operational applications — a range of activity that offers numerous …