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US says North Korea will ‘pay a price’ for any weapons supplies to Russia | Reuters

MOSCOW-PYONGYANG DEFENSE COOPERATION. A North Korean defense ministry official in November said Pyongyang has “never had ‘arms dealings’ with Russia” …

US govt. invests $22 million in smart surveillance clothing – Interesting Engineering

“A lot of the IARPA and DARPA programs are like throwing spaghetti against the refrigerator,” said Annie Jacobsen, author of The Pentagon’s Brain, …

Your Tax Dollars at Work: Government Invests $22 Million in Cyber Underwear Called … – Breitbart

“A lot of the IARPA and DARPA programs are like throwing spaghetti against the refrigerator,” said Annie Jacobsen, author of a book about DARPA.

Aurora and General Atomics move forward on project to design heavy-lift seaplane to …

DARPA researchers are emphasizing low cost, easy-to-fabricate designs, with Liberty Ship-style manufacturing. The seaplane also should have complex …

3 ways DARPA aims to tame ‘strategic chaos’ with AI – Breaking Defense

Combat is too complicated and chaotic for existing AI to analyze, and DARPA is trying to figure out the best way to combine algorithms with human …

Why DRDO can’t replicate ISRO’s grand success story : The Tribune India

DARPA, under the US Department of Defence, is often quoted as a model organisation that the DRDO must emulate. The former, however, works only in …

PickNik Robotics secures two new NASA contracts

The first SBIR award focuses on a groundbreaking project titled “A Framework for Failure Management and Recovery for Remote Autonomous Task …

Branch Technology Awarded $1.13M USAF SBIR Contract to Develop 3D-Printed Energy …

PRNewswire/ — Branch Technology, Inc. announces it has been selected by AFWERX for a SBIR Direct-to-Phase II contract of $1.13M focused on …

PsychoGenics and Collaborations Pharmaceuticals awarded a $1M grant to use AI …

(CPI) are pleased to announce that they were awarded a $1million Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant, to use their combined AI …

Summary | Review of the SBIR and STTR Programs at the National Science Foundation

After receiving an NSF SBIR/STTR award, such firms move on to other federal agencies that offer SBIR and STTR programs so they can receive the early- …