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Skylark Labs Announces Entrance into Monkton’s $500M MATTER SBIR Phase III IDIQ

PRNewswire/ — Skylark Labs is proud to announce its entrance into the Monkton MATTER SBIR Phase III IDIQ, a $500M contract vehicle issued by the …

JUST IN: U.S., Republic of Korea Expanding Indo-Pacific Partnerships

… defense and homeland security. A highly regarded news source for defense professionals in government and industry, National Defense offers insight …

Air Force’s Mideast drone unit eyes a ‘stateside element’ – Defense One

The Qatar-based U.S. Air Force task force that’s been experimenting with unmanned technologies—including AI-designed, 3D-printed drones—may add a …

U.S. Army Launching High-Altitude Balloons As Part Of Pacific Exercise – Aviation Week

The Army’s Space and Missile Defense Command tests a high-altitude balloon. Credit: U.S. Army. The U.S. Army is evaluating the use of high-altitude …

U.S. Defense Official & Fmr. South Korean Intelligence Director on U.S.-South Korea Alliance

Richard Johnson, deputy assistant defense secretary for nuclear and countering weapons of mass destruction policy and a former South Korean …

Department of the Air Force announces new generative AI program: NIPRGPT

“Our recent GenAI Roundtables with industry and academia have shown us … us a way to actually test those. We fully … Want the latest defense industry …

ANDRO in Rome awarded $2 million DARPA contract for 5G development | News

According to DARPA officials, the objective of the 5G testbed ecosystem (5GTE) is to develop a scalable, open-source Internet of Things (IoT) 5G …

DARPA’s planned nuclear rocket would use enough fuel to build a bomb | Ars Technica

DARPA’s planned nuclear rocket would use enough fuel to build a bomb. The US is still regulating some enriched uranium based on an analysis from …


… (DARPA) to advance next generation internet of things (IoT) and wireless technologies by developing a scalable, open-source, fifth generation (5G) …

Charting trade chokepoints: a how-to guide – Financial Times

Shih and others, such as Christopher Gopal, a supply chain expert who sits on the DoD’s Defense Business Board, see value in risk mapping. But they …