Here’s what we were told during a meeting with senior defense officials in Hawaii as part of our trip. ‘Lasting relationships’. Will US resurrect its …
These meetings reinforce the Secretary of Defense’s guidance, as outlined in the November 2023 Security Consultative Meeting, that our commitment to …
… Secretary of State of the United States of America, Mr … U.S. defense companies navigate the regulatory hurdles of investing in Ukraine’s industry.
Today, the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and Japan Ministry of Defense (MOD) have finalized a formal agreement for a Glide Phase.
The Biden administration is working to send an additional Patriot air-defense battery to Ukraine, people familiar with the matter said, as the US …
DARPA’s THREADS programme aims to overcome the temperature limits at the transistor scale inherent to power-amplifying functions.
DARPA has awarded BAE Systems’ FAST Labs a USD 12 million contract for the THREADS programme, BAE announced on 14 May 2024.
DARPA taps Aurora to keep designing heavy cargo seaplane in $8.3M deal · New strategic military sites in Philippines exercised in Balikatan · Special …
The FLOAT project could result in materials being transported across the moon’s surface as soon as the 2030s, according to the agency. Related: DARPA …
… DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, authorities company … A full-scale prototype of this new car was developed by Northrop Grumman …