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Patent issued to LSU Health New Orleans expands family of … – The Malaysian Reserve

The latest phase two SBIR grant from NSF was just awarded last month. “This second patent highlights that the inventions around rare disease …

NUBURU Announces a Second Contract With NASA for Next-Generation Blue Laser Space …

This contract award builds upon NUBURU’s successful Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (“SBIR”) announced in August 2023 . NUBURU’s blue power …

National Women’s Law Center Intervenes In Defense of Transgender College Athletes

Represented by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), ACLU of Georgia, and Cooley LLP, NWLC is asking to be officially joined as a party to the …

Marine Corps set to field resupply drones to all logistics battalions by 2028 – Defense One

U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Andrew Hill, a motor transport operator assigned to Combat logistics Battalion 6, Combat Logistics Regiment 2, 2nd Marine …

Pacific Air Forces facilitates Integrated Air Missile Defense SMEE during Balikatan 24 …

The Pacific Air Force’s Pacific Integrated Air & Missile Defense Center, with support from the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, …

US soldier detained in Russia, White House confirms – The Hill

… Defense · Biden administration pauses ammunition shipment to Israel: Report. by Nick Robertson. 19 hours ago. Defense / 19 hours ago. Defense · CIA …

Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP’s White-Collar Defense, Investigations, and Regulatory …

Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP’s White-Collar Defense, Investigations, and Regulatory Enforcement Attorneys at the American Bar Association’s 34th …

Manta Ray Prototype UUV Completes Full-Scale Testing In Southern California

DARPA is engaging with the U.S. Navy on the next steps for testing and transitioning this technology. Manta Ray performer, PacMar …

Pentagon Accelerates and Starts to Build Its “Replicator” Drone Swarm System

DARPA-e1694105137985. image caption. DARPA Drone Swarm image. Pentagon Accelerates and Starts to Build Its “Replicator” Drone Swarm System.

EnCharge AI, a chip startup born in Princeton lab, raises $21.7 million

… (DARPA) and R&D was funded by the Department of Defense, the company said. DARPA, which works on weapons, is credited with creating the internet …