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NCMS Report Highlights New Tool for Automating Supply Chain Management in Response …

… Chain, along with supply chain and logistics leaders from the DOD. The team made two breakthroughs. First, they created a deep learning model that …

DOD Priorities: Increasing Health, Energy Resilience, Bolstering Infrastructure

DOD quality of life issues for service members … DOD Priorities: Increasing Health, Energy Resilience, Bolstering Infrastructure … Supply Chain for …


DSIP is the official portal for. DoD SBIR/STTR proposal submission. Proposers are required to submit proposals via DSIP; proposals submitted by any …

Rep. Calvert Statement on Security Supplemental Bills

Procures defensive weapons, artillery, and munitions. Backs U.S. military operations responding to Iranian-backed terror. Restocks …

‘Mind-boggling’: Israel, Ukraine are mere previews of a much larger Pacific missile war, officials warn

It’s crucial to learn from Iran attack on Israel and Russia’s on Ukraine, said assistant secretary of defense John Plumb, and the most important …

U.S. House GOP rolls out aid for Ukraine, Israel; votes planned on TikTok, border security

The Ukraine bill would appropriate nearly $48 billion to the U.S. Defense Department to provide Ukraine with training and equipment, to replenish U.S. …

F-35 program could reshuffle long-term upgrade plan, deliver TR-3 jets early without full capability

Recommended · US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin testify · HASC chair backs Air Force plan on space Guard units (Exclusive) · Missiles And UAVs During A …

China Criticizes U.S. P-8A Surveillance Flight Through Taiwan Strait – USNI News

The P-8A Poseidon aircraft flew from the north to the south of the strait, according to Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense. U.S. 7th Fleet …

Pentagon takes AI dogfighting to next level in real-world flight tests against human F-16 pilot

DARPA’s Air Combat Evolution program has been using a modified F-16 known as the X-62A VISTA (Variable In-flight Simulator Test Aircraft) to put …

DARPA ACE & USAF X-62A Achieve World First for AI in Aerospace – YouTube

DARPA’s Air Combat Evolution (ACE) program has achieved the first-ever in-air tests of AI algorithms autonomously flying a fighter jet against a …