
Gov. Beshear: Over $1 Million in Grants Awarded to 9 Kentucky Companies To Support … – 95.3 WIKI

– Gov. · The $1,072,404 in grants are part of the commonwealth’s nationally recognized Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business …

US Oil Reserve Sales to China Could Be Blocked in Defense Bill | Financial Post

China would be blocked from purchasing oil from the US’s emergency stockpiles under legislation slated for a Senate vote Thursday.

US Senate considers sweeping defense bill, heads for showdown with House | Reuters

Leaders of the U.S. Senate said on Wednesday they expected a sweeping defense policy bill to pass the chamber with strong bipartisan support, …

US is losing AI edge to China, experts tell lawmakers – Defense One

China is directing more of its AI-related research into defense applications than the United States, whose tech sector is more focused on consumer AI …

Pacom Commander Says U.S. Must Continue Modernization of Strategic Capabilities

“It is the bottom-line defense of this nation through strategic nuclear deterrence. That said, the Chinese are going very quickly … what matters is …

US Approves $1.3 Billion Package of Long-Term Military Aid for Ukraine

The Pentagon is announcing a new $1.3 billion package of long-term military aid to Ukraine, including four air defense systems and an undisclosed …

GE Research, Boston Fusion Among 5 Organizations Selected for DARPA’s Human-AI …

Looking for the latest Government Contracting News? Read about GE Research, Boston Fusion Among 5 Organizations Selected for DARPA’s Human-AI …

Northrop Grumman will design autonomous vertical takeoff, landing aircraft for DARPA

DARPA’s ANCILLARY program aims to develop and flight demonstrate an X-plane with the critical technologies required for a leap-ahead in long endurance …

Ginkgo Bioworks Awarded Four-Year DARPA Contract Worth Up to $18 Million; Shares Rise Pre-Bell

Ginkgo Bioworks Awarded Four-Year DARPA Contract Worth Up to $18 Million; Shares Rise Pre-Bell. Today at 08:05 am.

New dual-resolution technique opens door for faster drone exploration – Interesting Engineering

When used by a team of three ground robots, the approach won the DARPA Subterranean Challenge – a flagship competition for autonomous exploration of …