(Bloomberg) — The US believes Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu is under investigation and has been relieved of command, the Financial Times …
U.S. defense at risk. Hypersonics, in the hands of powers such as China or Russia, have the potential to alter the strategic balance that has long …
The US government believes China’s Defense Minister Li Shangfu is the subject of an investigation by Beijing and has been relieved of his duties, …
The US believes Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu is under investigation and has been relieved, according to the Financial Times.
DOD Social Media Policy · Web Policy · Plain Writing … supply chain infrastructure, and promotes the development and deployment of trusted …
… Research (SBIR) grant for the development of ReShape’s Diabetes Bloc-Stim Neuromodulation™ (DBSN™) device, which utilizes its propr.
Patriots defensive lineman Lawrence Guy addresses the media on Thursday, September 14, 2023.
“Our objective during this live fire exercise was to shoot down UAS from dawn to dusk,” Col. Robert McVey told Breaking Defense.
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy John Plumb said the document “helps us communicate in policy-speak a few key messages” such as the …
Gen., U.S. Air Force; Consultant, Institute for Defense Analyses; Robert Work, Former Deputy Secretary of Defense and Under Secretary of the Navy …