
Kompleye Receives Reauthorization from The Cyber AB to Perform CMMC Assessments

… (DoD) supply chain to meet critical cybersecurity requirements. The Cyber AB oversees the implementation and assessment process for the CMMC …

DOD-Backed Antimony Project In Idaho Gets Green Light | Aviation Week Network

Supply Chain. Share. DOD-Backed Antimony Project In Idaho Gets Green Light. Share. Matthew Fulco January 06, 2025. A DOD-backed antimony project in …

Kompleye Receives Reauthorization from The Cyber AB to Perform CMMC Assessments

… (DoD) supply chain to meet critical cybersecurity requirements. Advertisement 2. Story continues below. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but …

Kompleye Receives Reauthorization from The Cyber AB to Perform CMMC Assessments

… (DoD) supply chain to meet critical cybersecurity requirements. ×. This page requires Javascript. Javascript is required for you to be able to read …

Kompleye Receives Reauthorization from The Cyber AB to Perform CMMC Assessments

… (DoD) supply chain to meet critical cybersecurity requirements. “This reauthorization from The Cyber AB is a testament to our commitment to …

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Virtual Workshop on SBIR/STTR Opportunities at …

Small-business owners can learn about Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) opportunities at the …

Renewing its Vows: U.S. Commitment to the Defense of South Korea

Targeted adjustments clarifying a purely defensive political objective, backed by credible threats and assurances, will ensure Kim Jong Un refrains …

Pentagon agrees to settle historic lawsuit with LGBTQ+ veterans over discharge status

URL copied to clipboard! US–DEFENSE-GOVERNMENT. AFP via Getty Images. A view of the Pentagon on Dec. 13, 2024, in Washington, D.C.. Despite that the …

China Bans 7 US Defense & Aerospace Companies As “Unreliable Entities” Over Sales To Taiwan

Multiple US-based defense companies, including Boeing Defense, General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin, have been placed on its “Unreliable Entity List” …

US Releases 11 Yemeni Detainees From Guantanamo Prison – Barron’s

The US Defense Department said Monday it had resettled 11 Yemeni detainees from its Guantanamo prison to Oman, leaving 15 people still held at the …