
Light-activated drugs could keep sleep-deprived military pilots alert | New Scientist

If it succeeds, DARPA’s AWARE technology could specifically avoid activating the stimulant in parts of the brain where it might cause unwanted side …

Hageman Votes Yes on NDAA – GoCoNow

(RELEASE) June 14th, 2024 — Congresswoman Harriet Hageman voted in favor of the Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense …

Carter statement on House-passed bill improving quality of life for service members

Prevents Communist China’s espionage in our military, supply chain, and research institutions. Reforms DoD acquisitions to expedite the fielding …

Xylyx Bio Awarded $2.26M NIH SBIR Grant from National Cancer Institute – Newswise

… (SBIR) Fast-Track grant from the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to advance commercial development of its …

Flag Officer Announcement – Department of Defense

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III announced today that the president has made the following nomination: Navy Rear Adm. (lower half) Philip …

‘One hand tied around the back’: Europe presses US to lift Ukraine weapons limits – Politico

President Joe Biden has given narrow permission to strike Russia using U.S. weapons. But Kyiv and European allies are looking for more.

UUV Drone Swarms: How the Age of the Submarine Comes to An End?

-Despite the proven effectiveness of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), the Pentagon has only recently begun developing UUVs, such as DARPA’s Manta Ray.

Engineering the Paris Olympics on the cheap

Carnegie Mellon’s team at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge playIcon. Innovation. Carnegie Mellon’s team at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge.

Will Karen Read testify in her own defense? Here’s what she told us – NBC Boston

We asked Karen Read if she had made a decision whether or not to take the stand at her murder trial.

COMMENTARY: Spectrum Shortage Threatens U.S. National Security

Countering China’s existential threat is one of the few bipartisan agreements in Washington. Congress acted quickly to counter China on TikTok and …