Bengaluru, June 10: The Assistant Chief of the Indian Naval staff Rear Admiral Nirbhay Bapna, Senior Defense Official and U.S. Defense Attaché Rear …
The DARPA AIQ seeks to find ways of assessing and understanding the capabilities of AI to enable mathematical guarantees on performance.
Illustration of Darpa’s “Gremlins” program. (Darpa illustration) …
ANDRO Computational Solutions of Rome was awarded a competitive $2 million award from DARPA to advance next generation internet of things and …
Email questions or concerns to DARPA’s Mukund Vengalattore, the EQSTRA program manager, at [email protected]. More information is online at https://sam …
Other potential cooperation between Japan and the U.S. includes aircraft repairs, missile production and military supply chain resilience, he added.
Lazzaro Medical recently received a $2.4 million grant from to help develop a robotically assisted tracheal repair procedure.
Meeting with defense ministers and senior military officials from nearly 50 nations, Lloyd Austin to assess ongoing crisis in Ukraine, …
USINDOPACOM Requirements and Resources Directorate (J8) co-hosted the workshop with the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition’s Cyber Warfare …
TOKYO (Kyodo) — Japan and the United States have agreed to step up their collaboration in the production and maintenance of their defense …