
China Sanctions 12 US Defense Firms For Taiwan Arms Sales – Law360

China announced on Wednesday that it has issued sanctions against units of a dozen U.S. defense firms, including Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, …

Collins Touts UMaine 3D Printing at Hearing with Top Defense Officials

Washington, D.C. – At an Appropriations hearing to review the Fiscal Year 2025 budget request for the U.S. … Department of Defense, General George …

US Reps Want Defense Companies to Rip Off the Government – Jacobin

After receiving millions in campaign donations from the defense industry, members of the House committee overseeing Pentagon spending added …

Aurora Notches More DARPA Funding For Its X-Plane Contender – AVweb

This week, Aurora Flight Sciences released a new conceptual image of its contender for the DARPA X-Plane/SPRINT competition. Defense News has …

DARPA’s SuperPlane Gets a Makeover: Aurora Reveals New Design – DAX Street

Imagine a super-fast airplane that can take off and land straight up like a helicopter! That’s what DARPA, a part of the US military, …

Sikorsky tests new VTOL UAS design for DARPA project –

… (DARPA) initiative. The tests are evaluating a unique ‘rotor blown wing’ design that allows the aircraft to hover and transition to forward flight …

Northrop Grumman progresses with DARPA VTOL aircraft design –

… (DARPA), the company announced today. This development is part of DARPA’s AdvaNced airCraft Infrastructure-Less Launch And RecoverY (ANCILLARY) program …

Two new ARCEMY 3D printers ordered by LWS to support the US Navy’s supply chain

By bolstering its 3D printing capabilities, the US military hopes to establish resilient, competitive, and sustainable domestic supply chains of …

Nanopath awarded $4M in SBIR grants |

… (SBIR) program … (SBIR) program. The Cambridge, MA-based molecular diagnostics firm was awarded a $3 million grant from the U.S. National Institutes …

US Foreign Military Sales Market Research 2024: Growth Opportunities in Supply Chain

US Foreign Military Sales Market Research 2024: Growth Opportunities in Supply Chain Resilience, Joint Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation …