
CT’s roots are in the defense industry. Can its colleges truly divest? – CT Mirror

As the ‘Provisions State,’ CT’s economy and post-secondary institutions are built into America’s military machine. Avatar photo …

After Israel defense, US sees chance to entice Gulf allies on missile shield – Deccan Herald

Washington: The United States hopes defense meetings in Riyadh on Wednesday will help advance a long-standing goal of building a regional missile …

Unconscionable US interference in Israel’s war prosecution –

Military personnel examine a Scud missile shot down in the desert by an MIM-104 Patriot tactical air defense missile during “Operation Desert Storm,” …

DARPA’s SPRINT Program Advances with Aurora’s Innovative VTOL Design

Aurora Flight Sciences secures a Phase 1B contract in DARPA’s SPRINT program to develop a groundbreaking high-speed VTOL aircraft.

DARPA Selects Aurora to Design Heavy Cargo Seaplane – The Presidential Prayer Team

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is moving ahead with its program to develop the Liberty Lifter Seaplane Wing-in-Ground …

Department of Transportation – Arrowhead Center

The U.S. DOT SBIR program favors research that has the potential for commercialization through products and applications sold to the private sector …

Nanopath Nabs $3M SBIR Grant for Pelvic, Gynecologic Infection Tests | 360Dx

Those SBIR awards are intended to accelerate technological innovation by small businesses. Nanopath intends to use the money to develop its biosensor- …

China Sanctions US Defense Companies For Taiwan Arms Sales – IndiaWest Journal News

BEIJING, (IANS/DPA) – China placed three defense companies in the US on its list of “unreliable companies” for selling weapons to Taiwan, …

Boeing’s Aurora Flight Sciences Reveals New X Plane Design – Simple Flying

… (DARPA) program called Speed and Runway Independent Technologies (SPRINT); according to a March 9, 2023, DARPA announcement,. “The SPRINT …

The New Vanguard: Undersea Drones Set to Reshape Naval Warfare – MSN

… DARPA’s website, the agency is also looking to have the Manta Ray available for “underwater detection and classification of hazards or counter …