
US Defense Sec. Austin Holds Call With Greek Defense Minister – Mirage News

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III spoke by phone with Greek Minister of Defense Nikos Dendias today to discuss the close U.S.-Greece …

Brixtel Defense Secures Prestigious Defense Contract for DCIS Ammunition Under DoD IG

“We are honored to be entrusted with such a critical supply chain role under the DoD IG.” “This contract is a testament to our relentless …

Defense supply chain conference fosters partnerships, integrated deterrence strategy – DVIDS

… DOD supply chain, reflecting the theme of the event, “Adapting Today’s Sustainment Partnerships to Support Tomorrow’s Integrated Deterrence.” DLA …

NASA’s SBIR program funds innovative space technologies from small businesses

NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program has announced the selection of over 100 projects for funding, awarding $93.5 million in …

It’s April, but end-of-termism will start to slow federal contracting

Larry Allen Well, Tom, what we’re talking about here is the Small Business Innovation Research program, SBIR in the parlance, because everybody’s …

New Frontier Aerospace and HyBird get in on innovation research grants from NASA – Yahoo

II SBIR grants are valued at up to $850000 each. These grants follow up on earlier Phase I funding for the projects, and will be distributed over …

rewrite this title New Frontier Aerospace and HyBird get in on NASA grants | Globe Echo

The Phase II SBIR grants are valued at up to $850,000 each and will be distributed over a 24-month contract period, following earlier Phase I funding …

New Frontier Aerospace and HyBird get in on innovation research grants from NASA

NASA’s SBIR grants focus on technologies that could advance the agency’s initiatives in space and aeronautics. New Frontier, for example, is …

4 Iranians indicted for alleged malicious multi-year cyber campaign targeting US … – Fox News

Four Iranian nationals allegedly conducted cyber campaigns against the U.S. State Department, Treasury, 12 Department of Defense contractors, …

From the Senate Floor, Collins Urges Colleagues to Recognize Perilous Times, Pass …

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Susan Collins, Vice Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and Subcommittee on Defense, delivered remarks on the …