
DOD Announces Next Round of Projects to Receive Funding From Pilot Program to …

The Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E) is the Chief Technology Officer of the Department of Defense. The USD(R&E) …

US, Israeli, Arab coordination in Mideast against Iran comes to fruition – Defense News

Opinion: The Middle East’s emerging air defense alliance got its first major stress test on April 13 and appears to have passed with flying …

US Successfully Tests AI-Controlled Fighter Jet in F-16 Dogfight – PCMag UK

In 2023, the X-62A broke one of the most significant barriers in combat aviation,” he said in a statement. The X-62A is part of DARPA’s Air Combat …

DARPA’s ACE Program Successfully Uses AI to Fly Fighter Jet in Dogfight – TechEBlog

DARPA’s ACE program announced today that it has successfully used AI to fly a fighter jet in a dogfight. Air Combat Evolution (ACE) pit the X-62A.

US Air Force holds first-ever AI vs. human dogfight with fighter jets

DARPA say all demonstrations of autonomous combat maneuvers took place in 2023 and are continuing in 2024. FOX41 Yakima©FOX11 TriCities©. Filed …

AI Top Gun?: Autonomous F-16 Just Took Part in a Dogfight With Manned Fighter

DARPA further released a video of its team members discussing what makes the ACE program unlike other aerospace autonomy projects. The team further …

US Air Force holds first-ever AI vs. human dogfight with fighter jets | Nation

… DARPA video explaining first-ever in-air tests of AI algorithms autonomously flying a fighter jet against a human-piloted fighter jet in within …

The AI-piloted fighter age has arrived – Asia Times

Still, DARPA and the US Air Force emphasize that the program’s goal goes beyond dogfighting and aims to improve the fleet of aircraft by having the …

DARPA Reveals First AI-Piloted X-62A Successfully Dogfights Human – Army Recognition

DARPA Reveals First AI-Piloted X-62A Successfully Dogfights Human.

Boston Dynamics Moves On as ‘Atlas’ Takes Its Final Steps – DAX Street

According to DARPA, when Atlas first appeared, it was one of the most advanced humanoid robots ever made. But it was mostly just a body for the smart …